Thursday, July 3, 2008

A wee bit say the least

So I am not nervous about going under or the pain...I am nervous that I am not going to recognize my own body. I know that is the point of this surgery (I type rolling my eyes!), but damn...these 2 "fabulous" rolls have been with me as long as I can remember. My belly button hasn't seen the light of day since I was "knee high to a grasshopper" as my grandmother would have said.

My brain hasn't caught up with the weightloss...though I did see my legs in the reflection of a door the other day...and thought..dang those are some thin legs! But I digress. I am excited and nervous at the same time to NOT see rolls. It is really hard to describe the feeling. But alas I sit here at 4:30 AM not sleeping. I guess I will be sleeping a lot today so it is not a big deal.

Thank you to all the well wishers. I am going to be nerdy and will be taking lots of pictures that we can document with. I will post when I feel up to it.

Okay I will check back in right before we leave.

1 comment:

christines iphone said...


im so excited for you!