Sunday, September 21, 2008


1 hour 0 minutes and 58 seconds. And I am so damn proud. My first race back and I beat my PR by 20 minutes!!!! It was not as downhill as they claimed however! There were some significant inclines at the beginning of the race.

On another good note...I lost 3 pounds this week and am thankfully below that dreaded 150 pound mark that I had hit.

I am thouroughly exhausted however and am going to sleep so that I can get up EARLY in the morning and get to work to grade projects.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Okay...I'm back

I think I am doing better now. Pretty much off the meds and feeling more like myself. I am back posting on LBT.

I went and got a fill yesterday so that should help with being hungry all the time.

As for running... I have my first race tomorrow. It is a 10K that is pretty much all downhill so I am really hoping to run it in under 1 hour. I have been at the gym (or run) everyday this week except once and several of those days I burned over 750 calories.

Feels good to be back!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Meds suck

Okay...not blogging because this medicine is making me not give a shit about anything. Yes...I am trying to get off of it.

School did start and so far...I LOVE MY CLASSES. It is really the only thing I care about.

On that note I am going to bed at 7:30 because I just don't care to do anything else!