Friday, July 11, 2008

Mixed Bag

Today was quite a mixed bag. I pretty much didn't sleep last night despite being exhausted. I was hot, then cold, then hot, then cold. I could find a comfortable place to sleep because I was so full from trying to force feed myself to get in calories. Add to that my incredible swelling and it made for a WONDERFUL night.

I was up at 4AM because I was just sick of laying in bed. So between then and about 3PM I was a total bitch. Grumpy as all hell. Fortunately I was smart and didn't take it out on DH...just sat in my chair and pouted.

Got a phone call that told me that all of my blood work came back normal. So I am apparently passing out for no good reason! Good thing since that is what my diagnosis was from dipshit doctor.

Finally I got tired enough to take a nap and woke up in a much better mood. I have been given permission to take tylenol pm so that is what I just did. No I am heading off to bed.

Will post new pictures tomorrow!

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