Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Buh Bye Scale

This is where my scale used to sit. But alas it has gone away. I don't know where it is...DH took it away from me...and I feel so much better. For the first time in weeks I don't have this nagging urge to step on the scale and see if the number is going to make me happy or piss me off. For the first time in 9.5 months....I am not defined by a number. After a LOT of soul searching and crying on the shoulders of my friends I decided this was the best thing I could do. There really is no way that I am going to gain weight if I am running 4 times per week and doing cross-training 1-2 days per week if I stick to the 1800 calories. I have proven that over the last several weeks!

Right now I feel so calm...but I know the anxiety and panic of not being able to weigh will set in. I am going to go to the library and see if I can get a few books on how to handle anxiety and fear. Perhaps that will help.

Today was my day off from running/working out and it feels nice. Tomorrow I am back out to the canyon (hopefully...we have had torrential downpours here!) to run 4+ miles.


She Smiles said...

Perhaps you coudl try some meditation to deal with the emotions of this. It mgiht help you feel more centred and at peace with your body and weight. Just a suggestion.

Its a big decision you've made thoughqmbky, and one I'm not sure I could make! Well done!

She Smiles said...

Wow, I should read what I write before I press enter LOL.