Friday, June 27, 2008

Final Tune UP

I went for a one mile run with DH tongiht. felt so good. It was like eating an entire carrot cake after being on Taliban Atkins for months. (That is what my dad and I call it when we eat less than 5g of carbs a day!) There was a bit of pain in my knee, hip, and foot...but none in the tendon. I think I was just super sensitive to feeling any little thing.

I am so not a girly girl, but I do have to post what I am going to wear tomorrow. I have switched to a running skirt (it is actually a tennis skirt... again I wanna be like LJM!), a blue tank top, blue and white running socks, and a blue hair band. Got my hair cut yesterday so the hair band is new! I am going to be fashion diva out there. Well...except that my white compression garment to hold Jabba the Hut in place pokes out the bottom...and if I run fast enough and flap my arms the bat wings my just help me fly to the finish line. But other than that...I should look as HOT as the weather!

I will post here as soon as I get home from the half tomorrow. I know that we are going out to lunch at a local "drive in" as I get a free day tomorrow. I should burn off about 1500 calories depending on my pace. So on those days I pretty much let myself eat what I want. Apparently this place has one hell of a burger...and I am going to have one. Okay...I am going to have 1/4 of one. I guess they are HUGE and I still can't eat much...see post from earlier today.


Gwen said...

Best of luck at your half tomorrow! Bend is gonna be HOT! :)
can't wait to hear how it goes...go get em!

Amanda said...

Best of luck to you!!

You are an inspiration.

christines iphone said...


update please! :)