Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Daily Doubles

Today is the first day of my double workout routine. My goal is to get double workouts in at least 3 days per week for the next 2.5 weeks. Hyperventilation caused me to miss my workout yesterday so I went running at 3:30 this morning (at the gym of was 28 degrees here this morning!). Will post the picture of my run later today when I run the second one. I am confident that my legs are ready for the 13 miles....not so certain about the lungs. I am breaking down and going to the doctor on Thursday in hopes of getting some help in the hyperventilation department. I was going to go to urgent care last night, but frankly I was too tired and not in the mood to see a doctor I didn't know. I figured I could wait 2 days to see my doctor. So DH bought a bottle of wine in hopes that it would relax me enough to sleep. Oh boy did it. I had a half glass of wine and it threw me for a loop. I went to bed at 6PM and only woke up once!!! That is the first time that I haven't woken up every hour in a week! Might try it again tonight.

1 comment:

Losing Jusme said...

glad you are going to the doc. keep us posted.

double workouts are killers, please font overdo it.

enjoy a glass of wine for me!! :)