Monday, June 23, 2008

Major Slacking

Before LJM bites my head off ;) I had better give an update.

1. RUNNING - I had a bit of a setback when I went and ran the course at the half-marathon. I pulled up after 8.57 miles with terrible pain in my left achilles tendon. I went to the doc right away and she said to ice it and stay off of it for a couple days and then do only short runs until the half-marathon. I probably could have run through the pain on actual race day, but I didn't want to push it on a training run. THis all happened Thursday. I took Friday and Saturday off and went for a 3.75 mile run yesterday. All seemed fine. Tendon and knees seem to be holding up. I did the elipitical for 1/2 hour today and then will run Tuesday, Wednesday, and possibly Thursday. I will take Friday off except for a short walk and then run the big one on Saturday.

2. WEIGHT - I am officially a normal BMI. I have weighed in since Saturday at 145. I am excited and frustrated. I guess if I keep losing weight it is fine, but at some point I have to be able to stop. I have not been good with my calories...I just can't eat that much food. I know...everyone wishes they had that problem! I have been under calories for the last 4 days.

3. MOOD - So I am on cymbalta now, which thankfully my insurance is covering (I only have to pay 20$) but I am not sure if I like it. I have no motivation to do anything. Maybe it is just summer vacation mode, but I really don't like this feeling. I am a go getter. I don't want to do anything but lay on the couch and bitch because I am bored. I do have a lot to do...I just don't want to do it. Case and blog. I haven't updated for almost a week!

4. MONEY - Ahhhhh....this is the scary one. Thanks to the economy and the cost of fuel DH's last day at work is Friday. They are eliminating his position so he will get unemployment for a bit, but it is making life VERY tight right now. I found this out after I put the money down for my surgery (which he wouldn't have let me cancel the guy!). So he has been job hunting for a week or so but hasn't found anything yet. I am trying to refinance my lapband surgery but I haven't had much luck on that front (I pay almost 700$ a month). I did get offered a position teaching at a local university for 5 Saturdays this fall so that will help ease the crunch some. We do have some money in savings that will buy us time and I am trying not to panic right now. I am not good at that!

I will be better at posting this week...promise. Maybe I will get some life back in me! I am not as tired today as I was last week. I think part of my problem was the fact that I was not getting much sleep the last couple weeks of school and that Cymbalta can cause drowsiness. I take it at night, but I think there is some lingering effects. I am usually ready for a nap right now, but I seem fine today. Keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

christines iphone said...

im so not qualified to bite ANYONE's head off ... seriously. im sitting here nauseated all the hell and havent exercised since Toronto 5K (june 6th-ish)...
sorry the injury is back ... its supposed to be a relatively easy week for you anyway...