Sunday, March 15, 2009

It has been a long time since I have posted on the blog, basically because my life has been in such turmoil that there was no time, no motivation, and no reason to bog everyone else down in my living hell.

However, things are much better now and I am back on track. Over the last week I have managed to get my food under control, though the sweets are still calling my name. I was never a huge sweets eater prior to surgery, but something changed when I had my tummy tuck. Now I can't get enough of them. It is amazing how quickly the old habits coming rushing back. Though I guess there is no reason for them to not do so. After all, I lived those habits for 20+ years and only have developed the new habits over the last year! Time wins! But I am back to counting and tracking all of my calories and working out like a fiend. So far this week I have done 2 days of 10+ miles and 2 days of 6 miles. Not too bad.

I have the Eugene Marathon coming up on May 3 and I am desperately trying to train for that. I think that I will be alright as long as I make time for myself. This has been the biggest problem over the last several months. Everything and everyone seemed to take priority over me.

DH and I are also training for some major hikes this summer. There are three that we are planning on doing:
1. Hiking the South Sister Mountain
2. Hiking the 2.5 mile hike from Sunrise Lodge to the Summit of Mt. Bachelor
3. A 66 mile hike somewhere near Central Oregon.

Those are the three major hikes that we will be doing, though to train we will be doing several other minor hikes throughout the summer.

Well I am really going to try to make the effort to come back here more often. I miss the inspiration that I get from everyone else!

1 comment:

T-Lo said...

Hi Karris. I am going to Centralia this week for Jill's wedding. I know, I can't believe she is getting married. My baby sister. Good to hear from you.