Thursday, September 4, 2008

Meds suck

Okay...not blogging because this medicine is making me not give a shit about anything. Yes...I am trying to get off of it.

School did start and so far...I LOVE MY CLASSES. It is really the only thing I care about.

On that note I am going to bed at 7:30 because I just don't care to do anything else!


christines iphone said...


Amanda said...

There has got to be some other med you can take??

Suck a little energy from those kids, I sure they have extra.

Are you running?

She Smiles said...

Hugs from me too.

Hope they can figure out a dosage/combo that works for you. It takes a little playing around with sometimes, though I'm sure you probably already know that.

We're here when you feel like blogging again xox